Yeah, nothing to really update about today when it comes to writing, except that, well, I've been writing. But I promised myself I'm post on here frequently, so let's see what I can scrounge up.
I sent some of the newer scenes that I wrote to my friend and I got some positive feedback about it, so that boosted my self-esteem x100. It's great to have a friend that really understands story structure and the writing process in general, which means I can count on her to actually give me solid critique instead of "oh, it's good." That drives me crazy. So now I'm even more motivated to get things done.
I keep trying to push the impending re-write out of my brain, but I keep thinking about it. Its going to be interesting and somewhat terrifying for me, because there are maybe four or five characters that I decided should be added in about half way through. So now, in this first draft, these characters just pop up out of nowhere and act like they've been there the entire time. (Imagine my friend's face when I tried to explain it to her before she read through it...) I'm curious to see if I'll have trouble adding them in from the beginning. At least I'll already have a strong idea what sort of character they are. :D
Other than that, I have to be up tomorrow at 4:30am, so that mean a nice, early 9pm bedtime for me! And a nap in the afternoon tomorrow!
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