However, I too went through phases where getting up early is simply impossible. Can't do it, no way no how. And now that I'm on the early schedule again (with home-brewed coffee every morning - Yay!), I look back now thinking how I was so sluggish and sleepy at work, even though I was still getting the same hours of sleep I am now. The time of morning I wake up to changes everything for me. Does anyone else notice this in their sleep pattern?
I tend to have very realistic dreams when I'm on an early schedule as well. There was one pretty recently about the giant Walker machines from Star Wars and the American Military and the stars.... I won't get into it, but it was amazing (in fact, it was so amazing, maybe it will be changed around a bit to be written as a short story?).
Last night I dreamed about my boyfriend entering Medical school where he accidentally did heart surgery too soon and ended up creating a super-human who then tried to kill him.
See? Weird, vivid dreams.
However, I've only been inspired to write through my dreams once or twice, and even then only one amounted to anything, and that was a very successful Inuyasha fanfiction (which you can view here). You hear about authors like Stephanie Meyers who had a dream and - BAM - millionaire. Gee, wouldn't that be nice?
The novel I'm working on did not come to me while sleeping. Nor did I simply think up an idea and - hello! - plot. I had two completely separate story ideas before I was able to mesh them together and create something much better. And it was much later after that I was able to create an expansion of characters and plot lines for the novel.
It amazes me how some authors can come up with amazing story lines and instantly go into them, and then come out with something beautiful. Now, believe me, I know the process of true writing, but I just can't believe how authors such as Orson Scott Card do it so fast.
Hey, OSC - send some tips my way, would you?
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